Power Supply Company
The initial situation
The company is an organisation with several subsidiaries. For these it was necessary to create each user twice, once in the specific country or directory of each subsidiary, once in the systems of the centralised technical infrastructure. Both environments had different technologies, domains or directories for authorisation and access management. Beside the double effort, this situation generated the permanent risk of errors, inconsistencies and mismatching access rights. Besides, the consolidation process had to be carried on, despite the fact that the previous Delivery Manager, after 2 1/2 years on the task, had been assigned to other responsibilities.
The solution
In order to integrate the local and central systems, and before this was finalised, the connection between the systems was prepared step by step with the help of data extracts, analysis and cleansing. User profiles and access rights were transferred to the central directory, adapted and forwarded to all connected systems. Owing to his specialised know-how, our consultant could take over as interim Delivery Manager and successfully finalise the consilodation process project in the allotted 1 1/2 years.